Class Years

Class of 1969

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Last NameFirst NameClass YearFaculty Position or Title
Adair Norma 1969
Adams Warren 1969
Ashford Sylvester 1969
Baker Jerry 1969
Barnes Barbara 1969
Barry 1969
Bradford Lamonthe 1969
Bradford Randy 1969
Brisker Quincy 1969
Brown Carrie 1969
Brown Delores 1969
Buckner Gloria 1969
Buggs William 1969
Burdette 1969
Butler Suzette 1969
Calloway Cleasta 1969
Campbell Reatha 1969
Coleman Yvonne 1969
Collins Charles 1969
Cook Evette 1969
Cook Evone 1969
Cothran John 1969
Cowser Fred 1969
Crane Ronnie 1969
Croft Jacqueline 1969