Class Years

Class of 1961

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Last NameFirst NameClass YearFaculty Position or Title
Dickerson Dorothy 1961
Donald Mildred 1961 Faculty
Douthard George 1961
Dowdell Mary 1961 Faculty
Dunn Ruth 1961 Faculty
Dupree Jenell 1961
Ealey Gonica 1961
Earl Everline 1961
Earl Iverline 1961
Evans Mary 1961
Flenoir Mary 1961
Flentall Sadie 1961
Foster Jesse 1961
Fuller Shirley 1961
Gardner Nell 1961
Garrett Moses 1961
Gary Kay 1961
Gill Linda 1961
Greene Annie 1961
Greene Frances 1961
Greene Jalania 1961
Hammonds J. 1961
Hardy Henry 1961
Harrell Buelah 1961 Faculty
Harris Robert 1961